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Juniper Comparison Tool

Compare the available rates for the same hotel!

What is the Comparison Tool?

With the Comparison Tool module, you will be able to compare your own rates with the ones offered by your suppliers for the same Hotel, in the intranet.

What does this module offer you?

  • 1 We provide own hotels and hotels that belong to different external suppliers.
  • 2 These hotels are grouped automatically with the Juniper Unique Hotel module (or Hotel group module for previous versions).
  • 3 The Comparison Tool module allows:
    • Search through different filters such as market, agency, destination, dates, room types and meal plans.
    • Choose a base supplier to which you will compare the rest of the suppliers.
    • Compare rates offered by different suppliers.
  • 4 The module offers the following results:
    • Summary table with:
      • Total number of available hotels (unique hotels) among all suppliers.
      • Number of available hotels (unique hotels) per supplier.
      • Number of hotels that each supplier offers with the best rate per meal plan.
      • Total number of hotels that a supplier offers with the best rates.
    • Comparison of the rates offered by all suppliers for the same hotel, room type and meal plan.
    • Comparison of the rates offered by a base supplier and the supplier that offers the best price.

The main advantages of the Comparison Tool

  • You will be able to take strategic decisions based on the results that this tool offers you.
  • You will learn more about the total number of unique hotels that your suppliers offer per destination.
  • You will identify which supplier offers you the best rates for the same hotel and meal plan.
  • You will be able to compare:
    • the rates that your suppliers offer per hotel, room type and meal plan.
    • a specific supplier with the supplier that offers the best rates.
    • your own product (own hotel) with the one that your suppliers offer you.
